Lucky Penny Kennel

Daisy - 2020-2021.

Daisy - borzoi | Merry Christmas for everyone!
Boldog karácsonyt mindenkinek!

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Merry Christmas for everyone!

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 24/12/2022.
(29 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | Jarvis fell asleep hugging Daisy's tail. Of course, Daisy, as Jarvis' best friend, puts up with everything.
Daisy farkát ölelve aludt el Jarvis.Természetesen Daisy, mint Jarvis legjobb barátja, mindent is elvisel neki.

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Jarvis fell asleep hugging Daisy's tail. Of course, Daisy, as Jarvis' best friend, puts up with everything.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 10/03/2022.
(28 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | The best *aunt*.
A legjobb "nagynéni". 😅

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The best "aunt".

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 28/01/2022.
(27 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | Looks like this the rest time with us. From left to right: Sára, Álom, Daisy, Mosoly, Jarvis
👈 Így néz ki a nálunk töltött pihenőidő.
Balról jobbra: Sára, Álom, Daisy, Mosoly, Jarvis

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👈 Looks like this the rest time with us. From left to right: Sára, Álom, Daisy, Mosoly, Jarvis

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 23/01/2022.
(26 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | Together with the big ones - Happy New Year.
Együtt a nagyokkal - Boldog új évet!

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Together with the big ones - Happy New Year.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 31/12/2021.
(25 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | Happy New Year.
Boldog új évet.

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Happy New Year.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 31/12/2021.
(24 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | Together with the big ones - Hello Christmas.
Együtt a nagyokkal - Helló Karácsony.

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Together with the big ones - Hello Christmas.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 26/12/2021.
(23 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | Hello Christmas.
Helló Karácsony.

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Hello Christmas.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 26/12/2021.
(22 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | There are those who are born geniuses and there are those who train themselves to be geniuses. Heavier but more beautiful. We are on the right track.
Van, aki zseninek születik és van, aki meg zsenivé képzi magát.
Nehezebb, de szebb. Jó úton haladunk.

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There are those who are born geniuses and there are those who train themselves to be geniuses.
Heavier but more beautiful. We are on the right track.

Photo by: Dincifoto,
H-Isaszeg, 06/11/2021.
(21 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | The editor: Daisy, this little girl is a happiness bomb. Always enthusiastic, always cheerful, always happy.
A szerkesztő: Daisy, ez a kislány egy boldogságbomba. Mindig lelkes, mindig vidám, mindig boldog.

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The editor: Daisy, this little girl is a happiness bomb. Always enthusiastic, always cheerful, always happy.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Isaszeg, 14/08/2021.
(20 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | We walked, walked, and we sat a small hill.
Sétáltunk, sétáltunk, egy kis dombra lecsücsültünk.

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We walked, walked, and we sat a small hill.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Tata, 06/08/2021.
(19 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | My first birthday surprise... Ball, of course. Because there is nothing better than a round ball ..... and then a little later the flat ball.
Az első születésnapi meglepetésem...
Labda, persze.
Mert nincs jobb, mint egy gömbölyű labda ..... majd kicsit később a lapos labda.

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My first birthday surprise...
Ball, of course.
Because there is nothing better than a round ball ..... and then a little later the flat ball.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Isaszeg, 19/04/2021.
(18 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | I'm very happy about everything. Whatever I do, I always do happily.
Nagyon örülök mindennek. Bármit teszek, mindig boldogan teszem.

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I'm very happy about everything. Whatever I do, I always do happily.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Isaszeg, 17/04/2021.
(17 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | For the very first time.
Legeslegelső alkalommal.

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For the very first time.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Isaszeg, 03/04/2021.
(16 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | The most comfortable rest is when you pack yourself on the other. The Russian is just that. The Hungarian let him sit on it. (The editor: the rest of the sofa is empty, there are 3 free armchairs and 2 uninhabited dog beds in the living room.)
A legkényelmesebb a pihenés, ha a másikra pakolod magad.
Az orosz már csak ilyen.
A magyar hagyta, hogy ráüljön.
(A szerkesztő: a kanapé többi része üres, a nappaliban 3 ingyenes karosszék és 2 lakatlan kutyaágy található.)

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The most comfortable rest is when you pack yourself on the other.
The Russian is just that.
The Hungarian let him sit on it.
(The editor: the rest of the sofa is empty, there are 3 free armchairs and 2 uninhabited dog beds in the living room.)

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 26/01/2021.
(15 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | Daisy says Mosoly's bottom is too hard... She's gone. Then he reappeared... brought his pillow and settled down.
Daisy szerint Mosoly feneke túl kemény... 😁 Elment. Aztán újra megjelent... hozta a párnáját és letelepedett.

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Daisy says Mosoly's bottom is too hard... She's gone. Then he reappeared... brought his pillow and settled down.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 06/11/2020.
(14 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | Mami's terribly proud of me for the little beginner. I think I did a great job today. Result: minor puppy class - Very promising 1.
Mami rettenetesen büszke rám a kis kezdőre.
Azt hiszem, ma nagyszerű munkát végeztem.
Eredmény: baby osztály - nagyon ígéretes 1.

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Mami's terribly proud of me for the little beginner.
I think I did a great job today.
Result: minor puppy class - Very promising 1.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Ráckeve, 12/09/2020.
(13 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | One is 4 years old, the other is 40+ years old and I am 4 months old in the picture.
Az egyik 4 éves, a másik 40+, én pedig 4 hónapos vagyok a képen.

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One is 4 years old, the other is 40+ years old and I am 4 months old in the picture.

Photo by: Levente Pálhegyi,
H-Tata, 11/09/2020.
(12 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | We went to see the place where the big ones run.
Elmentünk megnézni azt a helyet, ahol a nagyok futnak.

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We went to see the place where the big ones run.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Budapest, 14/08/2020.
(11 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | I like to sit on Mommy's lap.
Szeretek Mami ölében ülni.

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I like to sit on Mommy's lap.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 01/08/2020.
(10 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | No question! I am a real woman. Shoes are my weaknesses.
Nem kérdés, hogy igazi nő vagyok. A cipők a gyengéim.

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No question! I am a real woman. Shoes are my weaknesses. ♀️

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 26/06/2020.
(9 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | I am Daisy and very curious.
Daisy vagyok és nagyon kíváncsi.

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I am Daisy and very curious.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 25/06/2020.
(8 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | Together.

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Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 22/06/2020.
(7 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | This is me too.
Ez is én vagyok.

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This is me too.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 20/06/2020.
(6 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | My name is Surprise Daisy. My first day and the first pictures at my new family.
Nevem: Meglepetés Daisy. Az első napom és az első képek az új családomnál.

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My name is Surprise Daisy. My first day and the first pictures at my new family.

Photo by: Margaréta Bodrogi,
H-Pusztazámor, 19/06/2020.
(5 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | This that picture, into which they fell in love with... and they chose me.
Ez az a kép, amibe beleszerettek ... és engem választottak.

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This that picture, into which they fell in love with... and they chose me.

Photo by: The breeder,
SLO-Polzela, 2020.
(4 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | I can stand nicely in the other direction as well.
Szépen állhatok a másik irányban is.

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I can stand nicely in the other direction as well.

Photo by: The breeder,
SLO-Polzela, 2020.
(3 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | I'm just learning to stand here.
Éppen tanulok szépen állni.

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I'm just learning to stand here.

Photo by: The breeder,
SLO-Polzela, 2020.
(2 of 29)
Daisy - borzoi | One of the first photos of me.
Az egyik első fotó rólam.

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One of the first photos of me.

Photo by: The breeder,
SLO-Polzela, 2020.
(1 of 29 )